Saturday, February 28, 2009

Its been such a long time

Wow.. I had a look at my blog today and realised its nearly 6 months since I wrote anything.. Isn't that crap.. whats worse is that I haven't lifted a brush since beginning of January.

You see, I took a real job.. and the problem with real jobs is they take a lot of your time.. the upside of course is that they pay real money :)

Now, i'm being told by my landlord that they are renovating the top floor of the shops where I have my studio space... and that I am going to lose my studio. I don't know what I am going to do now... the combination of no studio and a real job is making it difficult to paint, so it looks like 2009 is going to be one of those years.. bleak on the painting front..

I will let you all know what I decide.

Also.. I have a bunch of paintings that are partially completed.. will post the WIP

I promide to come back more often