Friday, July 22, 2011

Does size cramp your style

The other day one of my watchers on DeviantArt  commented on one of my posts.  He said  'As soon as I saw this painting I knew it was one of yours'.. He had identified my style, and I wasn't even sure that I had one :).  Well apparently I have, and its all about how I wield anything but a brush to scrape paint onto the paper, including palette knives, bit of cardboard, and of course my favorite.. a tilers squeegee that's about 10 inches wide.

It got me thinking.. When I had the studio, I was able to paint big.. I mean big.. canvases that were 6 feet wide weren't out of the ordinary.  I would cut the bottom of a new paint tube off with a pair of scissors and squeeze the entire tube onto a ceramic tile so I could scrape it up with a 2 inch paint scraper and spread it onto the canvas.. I had so much fun.

When they shut the studio down and I was banished to the corner of the spare bedroom in our apartment, I had to cut down the size of my paintings... some are as small as 20x16 inches.  Of course you can't spread paint on a canvas that small like peanut butter, so I had to change the way I was painting.  I started to use my smaller palette knives more often, and sometimes even tightened right up and did brush only work..  not near as much fun.. and, my paintings were, different..

So, size does count
what do you think

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Holbein Palette Knives - Woo Hoo

Today my new Holbein palette knives arrived... the finest in Japanese steel.  They cost me over $50 for 2 knives, but they really are something else.  The spring is incredible.. I can't wait to try them  out.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Eve Art: Mother Bird, Baby and Nest

It appears we have a talented 4 year old daughter... On the weekend, Evie and I decided we would paint... ie: She would paint and dad would clean up the mess she made.  This was one of her works that I really like.. She tells us that its a mummy bird, with a baby bird in its pouch (yes this bird has a pouch !!!!), and a birds nest.  Kinda cute don't you think