I was reading my Alex Powell watercolor book.. He mentioned that he recycled watercolor paper by crubbing off a failed painting in the bathtub with a strong bristled brush.. I have plenty of watercolors that just didn't work out, and paper is expensive (I just paid almost $60 bucks for 15 sheets of A2 hot press watercolor pad.. Thats nearly $4 a sheet).
So I took on of my less than masterpieces and headed for the bathroom. What the scrubbing did was take of not only the old painting, but also the sizing. This is a layer sprayed on the paper to make it less absorbant so that the watercolor paint sits on the surface of the paper.
When I reused the paper I got a very interesting effect.. quite rough looking.. The paint just dissapeard into the paper, so had not blending ability at all.
I painted a pic of David Gulpilil from a scene in Baz Lurman's film Australia.. I actually like the result.
The white splatters were done after I finished the painting with China White.
let me know what you think
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